Portrait by Sarah Beattie

May 05 2016

A student, Sarah Beattie made portraits of the professors at St. Francis Xavier. Here is mine!

Roped - A Moral Fable

November 01 2015

SPOOKYPALOOZA shambles on like the undead! A microfiction piece by Louis Groarke.

Louis Groarke beside Moses Coady statue at st. Francis Xavier University

July 10 2015

Why Can’t Dolezal Be a Jenner?

June 18 2015

Logic and the Riddle of Divergent Reactions

Sometimes one has the impression that a large part of US media is devoted to soap opera — celebrity sightings and tabloid gossip — as if to distract ordinary readers from important issues with serious political, social, economic, and even environmental implications.

Three wise men - Meet the Groarke brothers

April 08 2015

All professors with PhDs in philosophy, the Groarke triplets share much more than their identical DNA.

Professors Paul, Leo and Louis Groarke are a statistical anomaly. They’re triplets, which occurs only once in several thousand natural pregnancies. They are monozygotic (all of them sprang from a single fertilized egg) and thus they’re identical – clones, you might even say.

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Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy—Aristotle - Logic

November 09 2012

Aristotelian logic, after a great and early triumph, consolidated its position of influence to rule over the philosophical world throughout the Middle Ages up until the 19th Century. All that changed in a hurry when modern logicians embraced a new kind of mathematical logic and pushed out what they regarded as the antiquated and clunky method of syllogisms.

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