Portrait by Sarah Beattie
May 05 2016

A student, Sarah Beattie made portraits of the professors at St. Francis Xavier. Here is mine!
May 05 2016
A student, Sarah Beattie made portraits of the professors at St. Francis Xavier. Here is mine!
November 01 2015
SPOOKYPALOOZA shambles on like the undead! A microfiction piece by Louis Groarke.
July 10 2015
Come watch the action live and uncensored at the up-and-coming Classics for Classics debate.
July 10 2015
July 09 2015
June 18 2015
Sometimes one has the impression that a large part of US media is devoted to soap opera — celebrity sightings and tabloid gossip — as if to distract ordinary readers from important issues with serious political, social, economic, and even environmental implications.
April 08 2015
Professors Paul, Leo and Louis Groarke are a statistical anomaly. They’re triplets, which occurs only once in several thousand natural pregnancies. They are monozygotic (all of them sprang from a single fertilized egg) and thus they’re identical – clones, you might even say.
May 01 2014
Most prominent Canadian universities are decidedly secular places.
Trinity Western University in Vancouver, British Columbia, is unusual because, as the name indicates, it takes its religious affiliation seriously.
February 01 2014
Dr. Louis Groarke speaks at the U4 Symposium held at Bishop’s University on February 1st, 2014.
November 15 2012
The Socratic Circle and the StFX Philosophy Department are hosting a book launch to celebrate the 10th anniversary of World Philosophy Day.
St. Francis Xavier Art Gallery (Bloomfield Centre) | Antigonish, Nova Scotia.
November 15, 2012 7:30 PM
November 09 2012
Aristotelian logic, after a great and early triumph, consolidated its position of influence to rule over the philosophical world throughout the Middle Ages up until the 19th Century. All that changed in a hurry when modern logicians embraced a new kind of mathematical logic and pushed out what they regarded as the antiquated and clunky method of syllogisms.
May 30 2012
Religious Wisdom and Perennial Philosophy: East and West
October 28 2011
Now you can join Louis Groarke for an insightful discussion on theology in a laid back atmosphere!
Piper’s Pub | Antigonish, Nova Scotia
Friday October 28, 2011 2:30 PM
October 10 2011
Whole Human Beings versus Half-Human Beings: Aristotelian Logic on Induction, Deduction and Related Matters
Mount Allison University | Sackville, New Brunswick
Octobre 10, 2011
September 30 2011
Learn What You Already Knew: What Past Moral Thinkers Teach Us About Morality
St. Francis Xavier University | Antigonish, Nova Scotia
September 30, 2011
May 01 2007
Dr. Groarke receives the St. Francis Xavier University Faculty of Arts Outstanding Teaching Award.